Payroll User Guide –  Setting a Project as Payable

Hours entered in timesheet for an off payroll worker are booked to a project code, a project code can be setup to either generate a payment to the off payroll worker for time entered or not.

  • Chargeable client project codes always result in a payment to the off payroll worker.
  • Internal project codes can be set up to generate a payment to the off payroll worker or not.

Setting an Internal Project Code to Generate Off Payroll Worker Payment

From the left hand menu select “Project Setup”. The “Project Setup” screen is displayed. Under the header “Internal Project Codes” select click the edit icon under the Actions heading (outlined in red below).

The “Edit Internal Project Code” screen is displayed. Tick the check box titled “Do Not pay Off Payroll Worker” to prevent a payment to the off payroll worker being generated when hours are entered against the off payroll worker.

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